Life Insurance Plans

Life Insurance Plans
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Life insurance is primarily intended to financially provide for dependents in the event of your passing. While it is most commonly used by families to pay for costs after death, there is the possibility of using some of the money to pay for unplanned costs at the end of life. This is a broad category of insurance with multiple different types of policies, so let’s go over some details.

Purchasing a Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance is sold through insurance agencies. They conduct enrollment and will have their individual processes. If you’re ready to begin looking for a life insurance policy, do some research and learn about all of the different types available. One of the common requirements for some life insurance policies is underwriting. If you’re beginning the life insurance process, be prepared to go through this step.


Some life insurance policies require underwriting. This is the process of sharing health history and providing medical proof, so that the insurance agency is aware of the health situation they’re insuring. For many policies, underwriting is essential.

If you have a serious health concern, it’s most likely still possible for you to get life insurance. You’ll want to select a plan without underwriting, which may cost you more. Though premiums may be higher, it’s still a great way to ensure your family will be taken care of in the future. The only way to know what options you have available is to research within your area. Setting up appointments with multiple insurance agencies will give you a better idea of what’s possible. While you’re at your appointment, ask for a quote.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

There are several types of life insurance policies, three of the most popular being term life, whole life, and universal life.

Term life only lasts for a set amount of time before the policy expires; this typically ranges between 10 and 30 years. If the policyholder dies within the given term, then the beneficiary will receive the death benefit. However, if the policyholder dies after the policy expires, the death benefit will not be provided.

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent insurance, which means it will not expire like a term life policy. Not only does this policy consist of a death benefit, it also provides cash value that accrues interest at a fixed rate. This cash value can be withdrawn when enough value accumulates.

Universal life insurance also has a cash value. The premium you pay for this policy goes towards both the cash value and death benefit. With this type of policy, you have the option to adjust your premium payments and death benefit, and once the cash value is built up, that can also be used towards your premiums.

Packages under our Life Insurance plan include