Supplemental Insurance

Supplemental Insurance

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Enhance your current medical plan with added protection from one or more supplemental insurance plans.

Extend Your Protection With Supplemental Insurance

Unexpected health events can create stress, uncertainty, and financial difficulty. To help protect you from worrisome costs, we offer simple and budget-friendly supplemental insurance solutions so you can focus on your health when you need to.

Accident Insurance

Help protect your hard-earned wages and savings should you experience an accidental injury. Viccoll Insurance helps you pay for unexpected out-of-pocket costs resulting from a covered accident.

Accident Insurance provides cash benefits for medical and recovery expenses, regardless of any other insurance you have. Benefits are paid after adjustments or discounts your health insurance may have negotiated with your doctors for services received.

Along with medical and recovery expenses, use your cash benefits on things like housekeeping assistance, childcare, transportation to and from appointments, and more.

Critical Illness Insurance

When an unexpected illness strikes, rest easy knowing you are prepared to protect your family and finances. LifeSecure’s Critical Illness Insurance can help with high deductibles and other expenses that quickly add up when diagnosed with a covered disease.

Critical Illness Insurance provides a payout of cash lump sums on covered critical illnesses. It can be used to satisfy your deductible for living expenses and additional out-of-pocket costs like prescriptions or other treatments.

Hospital Recovery Insurance

Be ready to handle sudden medical costs that come your way if you are hospitalized. Hospital Recovery Insurance can assist in your recovery after an inpatient hospital stay, so you can focus on getting better.

Hospital Recovery Insurance provides cash benefits regardless of any other insurance you have. When paired with your current plan,  Hospital Recovery Insurance lets you extend your protection. Benefits can be used to combat financial setbacks such as lost wages, the cost of help with rehabilitative services, medical deductibles, and even copays.